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Hi, Big Announcement - Advanced Isometrics May 21, 2013 |
Hi,Welcome to 7 Seconds to StrengthBig Announcement - Advanced Isometrics Course. Just a REALLY Quick Announcement - I'm NEARLY ready to release my ADVANCED Isometrics Course - MAXIMETRICS My Exclusive Method for Adding Inches and Packing on Pounds of Rock Hard Muscle in a Matter of Minutes.... If you want to stay up to date and get a sneak preview of the what Maximetrics can offer you - head over here NOW - P.S. Did you know this is the first new program I've publicly released in nearly 3 years!!!! ;-) Also if you aren't on my Facebook page - you really should get on it. It's filled with tips, insights, new program info and my own workout progress and details.
All the best and talk soon, Yours in health, Paul J.O'Brien The Exclusive
As a subscriber to the 7 Seconds to Strength Isometric Newsletter you get access to a private page where you'll be able to access a whole truck load of bonus - Free Isometric Exercise Books, Previews of Perfect Body and Project Dragon, Case Studies, Isometric Results shots, Special Reports, and EXCLUSIVE ISOMETRIC INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS!!!!
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