Strength Training Methodologies

Do All Roads Lead to Strength Gains?

By Paul "Batman" O'Brien 

B.A., N.C.E.H.S., Dip. Acu., Cert Clin. IMed., Dip. Adv. OBB, Dip. CHM, Pn1, PN-SSR, PN-NCA, M.AFPA., M.C.Th.A.

Strength Training Methodologies are of seemingly infinite abundance. Every weightlifter and his cousin have their own method or system for developing strength and mass. Some of these have been subjected to rigorous scientific study, most have not. Each have a slightly different focus and function but all of them aim to do the same thing – provide the muscles of the body with enough stimulation to grow and develop, thus becoming stronger.

Of course of all the Strength Training Methodologies my favourite without equal is isometrics. No system of training has undergone such rigorous study and scientific analysis, and no other system of training provides such time efficient and incredible results in such a safe and easy manner.

If you want to truly understand why isometrics is scientifically proven to be the most effective method for developing strength (increases of 5-10% each week are the standard according to over 5,000 independent clinical trials), then I highly recommend Secrets of 7 Second Abs. It’s jammed packed with incredible info on the science behind strength training success, the history of the groundbreaking studies and clinical trials and covers the most important principals of strength training in an easy to understand and efficient manner. With full colour photos and in depth explanations focusing on the core muscle group from which all strength comes, the abs and back you can’t go wrong. Even better you can start in just a few minutes. Check it out here. 

With that said, Isometrics isn’t for everyone. Some people like full range lifts and spending time pushing themselves in the gym, and that’s fine. So in this section of the website I want to discuss other Strength Training Methodologies which can be used separately or in conjunction with an isometric training program.

  1. Isometric Strength Training
  2. Basic 3 Sets Of 12 Reps
  3. Superslow Strength Training
  4. Pyramid Strength Training
  5. Periodization
  6. 1RM
  7. Supersetting

So which of these Strength Training Methodologies should you use? Well I of course always recommend Isometrics, it’s the safest and most efficient. Outside of that it’s really up to you. Despite our common physiology different people respond differently to the same program. You may take to a SuperSetting program like a duck to water, whereas your best friend can’t stand it and find it slow for his development in comparison to say Pyramid training.

The important thing with each of these Strength Training Methodologies is that you stay on target – focused on your goals. Select the program that you feel will take you to your goal, be it weight loss or weight gain in the quickest, safest and most efficient manner possible.

Stay consistent. Whichever program you use stick with it for at least 6 months and train regularly. Chopping and changing your programs and Strength Training Methodologies all the time never allows your body to adapt and develop nor for you to see the long term benefits of these programs.

Of course, monotony and repetitive workouts often kill our enthusiasm despite our results, so it’s nice to mix things up and try something new every now and then and a great way to break through a stalled growth phase or plateau. Take your time and read through each strength training method. I outline a lot of ways you can bust through plateaus and get great results.

As always however the ultimate responsibility lies with you. What style you choose, what days you work out, what results you see are all based on your outlook and input to your training. Put in good work and you’ll be rewarded.

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