Chest Exercise Isometrics

In just a few minutes from now your chest is going to be stronger, more toned, and you’ll have more energy coursing through your whole body!

By Paul "Batman" O'Brien 

B.A., N.C.E.H.S., Dip. Acu., Cert Clin. IMed., Dip. Adv. OBB, Dip. CHM, Pn1, PN-SSR, PN-NCA, M.AFPA., M.C.Th.A.

Chest Exercise Isometrics focuses on the strength and tone of the pectorals both upper and lower (the major muscle of the chest) – but it also works the assisting muscles of the triceps (back of the arms) and the deltoids (your shoulders).

Each position should ideally be held for 30 seconds at the beginning (though shorter if you fatigue). It should be noted that your blood pressure can rise dramatically when performing these techniques so if you suffer form hyper tension or a heart condition check with your doctor first.

Breathing during isometrics is also very important. You should NEVER hold your breath during Chest Exercise Isometrics or any other body part for that matter. The best way to breath is by taking a deep breath prior to an exercise and while tensing the stomach slowly “hissing” it out like a flat tyre or a snake. This will cause extra tension and power allowing you to push harder and really get the best results.

I highly recommend that you check out 7 Seconds to A Perfect Body - my complete Isometric strength training system. With a detailed program and incredible instruction you’ll get to your goals quickly and efficiently.

Here are 3 of the most effective Chest Exercise Isometrics 

The Top 3 Chest Exercise Isometrics

Isometric Push Ups

  1. In the push up position, lower yourself to the half way point.
  2. Breathe out and tense your muscles.
  3. Concentrate on making your chest as tight and hard as possible.
  4. After a few seconds you should feel like you’re shaking all over – this is your body working really hard – this is Isometrics.
  5. Hold this Position for 30 seconds.
  6. Slowly release – this is important, after intense contraction your body needs time to unwind.

Isometric Door Fly

  1. Stand in a doorway
  2. Place your hands at chest level on either side of the doorway.
  3. Pull in as though you were trying to press the two sides of the wall together.
  4. Concentrate on making your chest as tight and hard as possible.
  5. After a few seconds you should feel like you’re shaking all over – this is your body working really hard – this is Isometrics.
  6. Hold this Position for 30 seconds.
  7. Slowly release – this is important, after intense contraction your body needs time to unwind.

Isometric Hand Press

  1. Stand tall and straight
  2. Hold your arms out in front of your chest
  3. Make a slight bend at the elbow, creating a triangle from the wrist to the elbows
  4. Press your palms together
  5. As you do so concentrate on making your chest as tight and hard as possible.


If you’ve followed the above Chest Exercise routine it should have taken no longer than 2 minutes and you have just done a complete chest workout! Your chest should feel warm (maybe slightly stiff if this is your first time), relaxed and powerful.'s what I want you do next. 

  1. Practice the above Isometric contraction every day for a week. Come back here and post how you feel after a week below. I'll be looking for your comments and will keep you on track. 
  2. Subscribe to the newsletter - there's a few free e-books, isometric guides and even a few instructional videos for the abs. I'll also be able to keep you up to date with the next article in this series. 
  3. Join the Isometric Facebook fan page. I post tips, motivational posts, techniques, and articles there daily. I also do tons of Q & A's and answer your fitness questions. Say hi! -
  4. Finally, if you're looking for a more comprehensive program or more isometric exercise help check out my Perfect Body system.

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