Strength Training Schedule

A Reason to Rest?

By Paul "Batman" O'Brien 

B.A., N.C.E.H.S., Dip. Acu., Cert Clin. IMed., Dip. Adv. OBB, Dip. CHM, Pn1, PN-SSR, PN-NCA, M.AFPA., M.C.Th.A.

Strength Training Schedule, a term that breeds absolute panic in everyone from the busy executive to the college student prepping for exams. When does anyone have the time to train anymore with the schedule of our busy lives?

Truth be told many of us have better things to do than train. I mean I love my fitness and I love my physique, and I love being stronger and faster than most, but I love time spent with my family more. I prefer going to the movies with my mates than spending 3 hours sweating it in the gym.

A conventional strength training schedule can play havoc with one’s life. I know that between my full time medical practice and personal training company, not to mention my time spent instructing in reality based self defence I don’t want to spend my remaining free time training when I could spend it chilling out and relaxing with friends and family. On the other hand current recommendations for a strength training program are to train about 3 times a week, logging a training time around 5-7 hours.

Now that means most people, including myself wouldn’t have to time to keep in good shape. So people by and large try to get in shape, and fail because of scheduling conflicts.

So why the need to workout so often? Well conventional advice heard around a gym would tell you that you need to train your muscles every 2 days or so, or you’ll lose the strength, size and firmness you gain. That means every 48 hours I would have to spend performing mindless weights routines for an hour to an hour and half, then hit the treadmills. No thank you.

So why this need for constant training? Its simple. Conventional training is not intense enough to produce a massive adaptive response. It’s built on sub maximal weights and needless repetitions. In order to facilitate an adaptive response that translates into increased muscular size and strength a gradual and slow exhaustion of the muscles fibres is needed.

This is why despite the fact the studies conclusively show it can take up to a week to 10 days to recover (not even adapt – just recover) from an intense training session a conventional strength training schedule fails to produce this and so must slowly exhaust and wear the body down, producing a marginal stimulus and a marginal adaptive response.

The truth is that studies since 1949 have shown conclusively that highly intense brief stimulus produce the best results. In fact with as little as 7 seconds of intense stimulation one can increase strength by 5 – 15% a week. Furthermore new studies have continued to show extremely intense Isometric protocols taking less than 5 minutes require up to 14 days to recover from. This means vastly reduced training time (about 10 minutes a month), and a load more time to enjoy life outside the gym.

And if you think that’s impressive you should see the results for the increase in muscle mass. Incidentally another earlier showed that performing a daily 7 second contraction increased subjects strength by 72% in 46 weeks. The fall of strength after the end of training is very slow. 70 weeks after the end of training their strength was still 42% higher than before the beginning of training. Over a year and a half they were still 42% stronger than when they started.

Better still; the gains made will easily outstrip the strength and size developed through conventional strength training schedule methods. I know it sounds hard to believe but the science confirms it, and so do the physiques and strength of the thousands of clients I have trained using those same scientific protocols.

I explain these studies and their incredible results in 7 Seconds to Build A Perfect Body!, my 7 week course using the Scientifically Proven Method for Transforming Your Body in Just Seconds. It’s over 250 pages and filled with more than 100 photos and will transform your body from your face down to your toes, sculpting your physique and letting you develop astonishing strength with just seconds of exercise.

Most importantly it will dramatically cut down on your strength training schedule and allow you to live your life and get in great shape investing the minimal time possible for the maximum returns on your fitness and health. Find out more here..

You’ve been reading about strength training schedule, check out the next isometric article, - here. 

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