The Wednesday Isometric Workout
A Free Isometrics and Special Forces Exercise Rouitne Each Week!
By Paul "Batman" O'Brien
B.A., N.C.E.H.S., Dip. Acu., Cert Clin. IMed., Dip. Adv. OBB, Dip. CHM, Pn1, PN-SSR, PN-NCA, M.AFPA., M.C.Th.A.
Welcome to the Wednesday Isometric Workout. These workouts are based on my best selling book; Samurai Strength Vol.3: The Secrets of Special Forces.
The Special Forces require a unique level of fitness, that you can achieve from your home, with no special equipment - just a willingness to train. Using these workouts you will develop the same physical fitness attributes used by the Special Forces....endurance for long marches with heavy equipment....maintain muscle strength without fatigue for prolonged periods of time in total stillness. Be able to carry a fellow comrade in arms, with both their gear on. Be resistant to injury.
This requires strength, physical endurance stamina, and flexibility. This is why the Special Forces get fit. And to enforce a mindset of never giving up. It's the same as every top athlete. You build the body to serve your goals, to further the mind. As a martial artist I do the same. As a warrior I do the same.
They do this by perfroming Isometric Holds with particular callisthenic exercises to produce rapid workouts that combines
- multiple planes of movement,
- multiple muscle groups used in different ways simultaneously, while developing
- speed,
- reflexes,
- balance,
- Cardiovascular fitness and
- flexibility.
I have been very fortunate to train with the best special forces teams and members in the world. They've shared with me their strength and conditioning secrets and I've since taught them to other groups. Now I'd like to teach them to you.
Check out this Weeks Wednesday Isometric Workout....and don't forget to like and share the page and leave your comments about how you got on with the workout, below!
Wednesday Isometric Workout - 28th June 2017
This weeks Wednesday Isometric Workout is as follows:
The Routine: The LPB 1 Minute Killer
Each exercise is performed for 1 minute consecutively no breaks
- Perform the L-Press for 60 seconds.
- Hold the Front Plank for 60 seconds.
- Perform Pull Ups for 60 seconds.
- Hold the Front Plank for 60 seconds.
- Perform Burpees for 60 Seconds
- Beginners do 2 rounds. (10 minutes workout)
- Advanced do 3 rounds. (15 minute Workout)
- Superheroes do 4 rounds.(20 minute workout!)
Take a 1-2 minute break per round or split it throughout the day.
Keep me posted on how you get on!
This workout is just one of the hundreds in my Special Forces Workout Program. If you've been enjoying these workouts each week, want a lifetime of varied and effective strength building, fat blasting routines, and detailed instruction in all the exercises these workouts use then you need to pick up a copy of Samurai Strength Vol.3: The Secrets of Special Forces.
For a VERY limited time (until July 12th) I am making this volume available again.
Pick up YOUR COPY Now!
Wednesday Isometric Workout - 21st June 2017
This weeks Wednesday Isometric Workout is as follows:
The Routine: The 4 Minute Max Rep
Your Exercises:
- Upper Body: The Tiger Push Up
- Core: Diagonal Mountain Climbers
- Lower Body: Forward Lunge
- Perform each of the upper body exercise in perfect form for 4 minutes. If you need to drop to an easier version of the exercise or take a short break, go right ahead.
- Repeat this with the Core and Lower Body exercise the following day, later that same evening, or immediately after for another 4 minute challenge until all three body sections has been blasted.
- Beginners do 1 round. (4-12 minutes workout)
- Advanced do 2-3 rounds. (8-36 minute Workout)
- Superheroes do 4 rounds.(58 minute workout!!!!!!) (take a 1-2 minute break per round or split it throughout the day)
Keep me posted on how you get on!
Wednesday Isometric Workout - 6th June 2017
This weeks Wednesday Isometric Workout is as follows:
The Routine: The Running Man!
- Each exercise is performed for 1 minute consecutively no breaks
- Perform the Spiderman Pushup for 60 seconds.
- Run on the spot - high knees for 60 seconds (no impact? Use the Hindu Squat or total body extension)
- Perform the Arm and Leg Plank for 60 seconds.
- Run on the spot - high knees for 60 seconds (no impact? Use the Hindu Squat or total body extension)
- Perform the BUD Vertical Jump for 60 seconds (no impact? Use the Hindu Squat or total body extension)
- Run on the spot - high knees for 60 seconds (no impact? Use the Hindu Squat or total body extension)
- Beginners do 2 round. (12 minute workout)
- Advanced do 3 rounds. (18 minute Workout)
- Superheroes do 4 rounds.(24 minute workout) (take a 1-2 minute break per round)
Keep me posted on how you get on!
Wednesday Isometric Workout - 31st May 2017
This weeks Wednesday Isometric Workout is as follows:
The Routine: The BUD Burpee Blaster
- Perform the BUD Clapping Pushup continuously for 60 seconds.
- Burpees for 60 seconds (no impact? Use the Hindu Squat or total body extension) continuously.
- Perform the Advanced Bird Dog (easier version? Try the Bird Dog or Plank) continuously for 60 seconds.
- Burpees for 60 seconds (no impact? Use the Hindu Squat or total body extension) continuously.
- Perform the Nordic Hamstring Curl continuously for 60 seconds.
- Burpees for 60 seconds (no impact? Use the Hindu Squat or total body extension)
- Beginners do 1 round. (6 minute workout)
- Advanced do 3 rounds. (18 minute Workout)
- Superheroes do 4 rounds.(24 minute workout) (take a 1-2 minute break per round)
Keep me posted on how you get on!
Wednesday Isometric Workout - 24th May 2017
This weeks Wednesday Isometric Workout is as follows:
The Routine: The Core Reset
- Upper Body Exercise: Arm Hauler x 30 seconds
- Lower Body Exercise: Rear Lunge x 30 seconds
- Core Exercise: Single Leg Bridge x 30 seconds
Perform the workout in the following order: Upper body, then lower body, then core. Then lower
body, upper Body, core. That's one round.
- Beginners do 2 rounds. (6 minute workout)
- Advanced do 3 rounds. (9 minute Workout)
- Superheroes do 4 rounds.(12 minute workout)
Keep me posted on how you get on!
Wednesday Isometric Workout - 17th May 2017
Tokyo Riot Police Pushup. Touch your toes, walk your hands out, push up, and walk your hands back to your toes. Stand up and repeat for time. ;-)
This weeks Wednesday Isometric Workout is as follows:
The Routine: The 20/10 Workout
- Exercise 1a: 1 Leg Lateral Hop
- Exercise 1b: Isometric Wall Chair
- Exercise 2a: Sit Ups
- Exercise 2b: Isometric Stomach Flattener
- Exercise 3a: Tokyo Riot Police Pushups
- Exercise 3b: Isometric Pushup
Perform 1a for as many reps as possible in good form for 20 Seconds, then 1b for a 10 second isometric hold. This is Set 1
Perform 2a for as many resps as possible in good form for 20 Seconds, then 2b for a 10 second isometric hold. This is Set 2
Perform 3a for as many resps as possible in good form for 20 Seconds, then 3b for a 10 second isometric hold. This is Set 3
- Set 1 x 1 (1a x 20, 1b x10)
- Set 2 x 1 (2a x 20, 2b x10)
- Set 3 x 1 (3a x 20, 3b x10)
- In sequence, repeat four times for an intense 5 minute intense workout.
- Set 1 x 2 (1a x 20, 1b x10, 1a x 20, 1b x10)
- Set 2 x 2 (2a x 20, 2b x10, 2a x 20, 2b x10)
- Set 3 x 2 (3a x 20, 3b x10, 3a x 20, 3b x10)
- In sequence, (so you would to Lateral Hop x 20 seconds, Isometric Wall Chair x 10 Seconds, Lateral Hop x 20 seconds, Isometric Wall Chair x 10 Seconds, then Situps for 20 seconds etc). Repeat 3 times for an intense 9 minute workout.
- Set 1 x 3
- Set 2 x 3
- Set 3 x 3
- Complete each set fully before moving on to the next exercise set. Take a 30 second break between sets. Repeat 3 times for a super intense 15 minute workout.
Keep me posted on how you get on!
You can get a free flavour of more Special Forces exercises and routines here:
How to Create a Killer 4 Minute Isometric Workout
Workout Any time Any where
And if you want complete access to my Special Forces Strength and Conditioning Program, along with over 2.1 million (that is not an exaggeration) workout routines go Secrets of the Special Forces Now. This workout system is only up for another 5 days and then it's pulled ;-)
Don't forget to like, and share this routine and leave me your comments below!

You've been reading this weeks Wednesday Isometric WorKout. Check out another free Special Forces Training Routine here
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