Continue with Perfect Body after 7 weeks vs Maximetrics

by Lando

Hello Paul,

After 7 weeks on Perfect Body, I feel stronger and with more muscle, but not enough definition as I would have liked and with a couple of pounds of belly fat.

I know its a matter of time, but to get faster results in terms of muscle, would you recommend to follow with PB a couple of weeks more or change into Maximetrics?



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Sep 06, 2018
Losing the few pounds and definitive definition.
by: Batman from

Hi Lando,

Thanks for letting us know you're getting results! Fair play to you and stick with it.

The increases in definition and losing the few pounds of belly fat is best accomplished through nutrition.

Maximetrics won't help you in this regard. Maximetrics is designed to build muscle tissue through increasing natural HGH and CNS stimulation. It also encourages a calorie surplus, to nourish the development of that muscle a quickly as possible. While you can lose weight doing it, that's not it's focus, nor is it the most efficient method for doing so.

A better route would be looking at Slim in Seconds - this is a rapid body fat reducing program, that follows on from Perfect Body and will cover the most effective methods for losing body fat, including the nutritional aspects. Check it out here -

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