Equipment Free Workouts?

by Angelo
(22 south congers ave congers NY 10920)

I’m 57 look at a lot of workouts but take a lot of time and equipment and I feel not practical at all to me that’s my opinion not looking to get big looking to loose a little weight and harden my body and condition myself any help p

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Jan 21, 2018
Equipment Free Results
by: Batman from

Hi Angelo,

That's a common problem and you aren't alone. Thankfully, you're in the right place. Most of workouts and training programs are equipment free - and if it does require equipment it's mostly everyday items like towel or a door.

If you check out the exercise section of the site you'll find dozens of Isometric and Bodyweight exercises - most totally equipment free.

Pick 1-2 exercises for each body part from each section and put together your own equipment free routine that you can do in under 5 minutes. Everyone has time for that! :-D

There's also my workout of the week series ( that will give you some great workouts ranging from 5-15 minutes.

Oh and keep an eye out for my MEGA-article coming soon, "The Ultimate Guide to Beginning Isometric Training", this has a free 5 Exercise routine from my Perfect Body program.

Better still get some solid structure and a proven routine that works with my 7 Seconds to a Perfect Body Program (

Hope that helps,


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