Are there any exercises for the face that will tone the mucles for a more youthful look. Also, what would recommend to help reduce the effects from exposure to the outside?
Face Isometrics by: Paul from
Hi Ray,
Yep there are a series of facial isometrics that can be used to tighten and restor tone to the face and I teach many of them to my facial rejuvination clients (in my Acupuncture and Health Clinic). There are a few of them included in my Perfect Body program, including a really cool exercsie called the Lower Jaw Jut. This is an excellent exercise for strengthening all the muscules of the face and for firming the neck.
As regards exposure to external elements, the best thing you can do, rather than focus on treatments etc is to maintain a strong immune system and whole body health. This is something I talk to my patietns a lot about.
If the body is in balance and is healthy, then it can adapt to any enviroment and cope with external trauma. Harsh wind and weather won't affect the face if the Lungs are strong, muscles will maintain tone if the Liver is strong. But that's more from a TCM perspective than a fitness one.
If you're interested in that, check out my Acupuncture and Health website here -