WHY do I NEED Project Dragon?
- because I am SERIOUSLY lacking energy. In my 20s I was into martial arts, in my 30s I was into Tai Chi and weights and in my 40s I seem to have lost all drive to exercise - going to the gym for an hour work our several times a week takes too much time and energy.
The result?
I have lost all muscle definition and have my own TIRE (rotund hips!!). I moved to Vancouver Island just over two years ago; it is a beautiful place. However, I just don't have the energy to make the most of it. I would love to hike and kayak. The first year I spent 6 hours hiking, this year just 3......I NEED Project Dragon because I want the energy to seriously improve my quality of life and make the most of living here in the Rockies.
- because I lack MOTIVATION (because I live in the middle of NO-WHERE) and it's had to be motivated. There is a local gym - run by a retired lady who you really want to sit down and have a chat and a cup of tea with.
However, she doesn't know that much about fitness (apart from what the manufacturers of her gym equipment have told her!). This means it is very hard to MAINTAIN enthusiasm and commitment. The value of a personal trainer comes if you respect them and what they have to say.
I like the retired lady at my local gym, but she really doesn't have a clue. HOWEVER - whenever I have e-mailed Paul J.O'Brien with a question (several times over the last 18 months) - even though he doesn't know me and is in a different part of the world - he responds with a helpful and thoughtful answer.
Knowing I am dealing with someone like that - and someone who is going to be there throughout the training programme - is what I call a reason to be MOTIVATED - and that's why I NEED Project Dragon.
- because I work in a stressful job (one-to-one care of an autistic person) which leaves me emotionally and physically drained. On top of the normal schedule there is always overtime. At the end of the day I do not have either the TIME to go to the gym for an hour session, nor the ENERGY. Likewise, I rarely get to enjoy my home/down-time as I am always in "recovery mode".
I NEED Project Dragon because I do not have hours to exercise, and because I want to enjoy my own time at home with my family.
The bottom line is: I NEED Project Dragon because I want to seriously improve the quality of my life (and of those I love/care for).