Iso Power Breathing

by Filip


When I practicing isometric power breathing (chapter 3 in 7 sec to perfect body) I get headache when i breath out fully. I want be sure If I doing exercise corretly.

When I inhale maximally to my stomach tense my abs and hold breath and tensing for 7 sec. Then slowly exhale keep tensing and breathe out all air and suck my abs in and hold breath and tensing for 7 sec. After 3 reps my head get strange feeling.

Is the exercises practicing correctly?


Filip Kabát

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Jun 25, 2014
couple more qns
by: Anonymous

Ok Paul I roughly get it now. Just one or two more questions and I am sure I totally understand after that.

For the power breathing. You say hold the final 7 second tension while still breathing. So 1 rep is only officially counted complete after that? Then continue 10 times?

For the breathing pattern in every other exercise. Breathing in for 3-4 seconds does the stomach need to expand? When I did the exercises I didn't let my stomach expand but rather contracted my abs for the whole muscle sequence. Like for arms I would let my stomach contract through the arm sequence etc..and felt super tired after that, but is that right? Thank you for being patient with me :)

Sep 18, 2013
Breathing Advice
by: Paul from

You can hold that tension while STILL BREATHING - just keep your abs tight. ;-) That's what I do. I keep my abs in throughout the exercises, but at NO POINT do I hold my breath. I breath in, keeping the abs tense for 3 -4 seconds, squeeze the abs tight while breathing out for 7-12 seconds, breath in 3-4 seconds (ABS STILL held tight). Repeat.

Have you checked the vids?


Sep 17, 2013
by: Spencer Chua

Hi Mr Paul, mind my stupidity but ok in the book u say breathe in through the stomach, once u can't breathe in anymore contract and tense the abs while pulling then inwards...concentrating on flattening, then breathe out in a SSS or FFF sound for I believe it is 7-12 seconds as written here and also because well all exercises use this breathing and all are 7-12 seconds... Then it says hold the tension for another 7 seconds... Ah this is the part I don't understand... If u told this man there is no breath holding... Is this as u say? A maintenance of absence of oxygen? And also why is it that for all the exercises there was no need for the hold for another 7 seconds step? I don't see u hold for another 7 seconds in the workout videos also in the Ebook just u going bam bam bam bam all the way... Can u explain that step?

Aug 25, 2011
by: Filip

Hi Paul,

Yes I understand.
Thank you very much.

Filip Kabát

Aug 25, 2011
Differences between Power Breathing and Flatenner
by: Paul from

Hi Filip,

The flattener and the power breath are very similar however it is the focus and contraction that is different.

In the power breath the focus is on breathing correctly to fully oxygenate the body, the ribs, belly and lower belly expand and rise on inhalation. We can squeeze the abs on exhalation but the focus is on proper breathing, not squeezing the abs.

The flattener on the other hand is ALL about squeezing the abs. In the flattener, as we breath in the chest rises and we pull the abs INWARDS. We maintain this tension as we tense, squeeze and ring the abs out as though they were a wet towel that we were twisting dry. Does that clarify it for you?



Aug 18, 2011
by: Filip

Please can you explain me differences beetwen Iso power breahing and 7 Sec Stomach flattener? It would really help me.

Filip Kabát

Aug 17, 2011
On breathing technique
by: Paul from

Hi Filip,

At no time should your isometric practice or breathing exercise result in something like a head ache. That could be dangerous and I'd advise you stop what you are doing immediately.

From the description you're giving me it sounds like your doing this completely the wrong way - so it's no wonder you are having difficulty.

At NO TIME DO YOU HOLD YOUR BREATH - during that, or any other exercise. (The vacuum isn't holding breath either, it's maintaining an absence of oxygen). All that does is create a huge amount of pressure - which is extremely dangerous.

You should follow the breathing pattern used in every other exercise. Breathe in over 3-4 seconds, concentrating on flattening the stomach. Breathe OUT over 7-12 seconds while squeezing the muscles as hard as possible. Relax and breathe in over 3-4 seconds. At NO TIME HOLD YOUR BREATH.

Read over the instructions again and make sure you fully understand what it is you are meant to be doing.

If you continue to experience funny feeling in the head, PLEASE STOP IMMEDIATELY and consult your doctor.

Hope that helps,


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