Thank you. That really helps. That information confirmed a lot of what I have already, but I actually didn't know that isometrics were used to TREAT hypertension. That's very interesting.
Jun 28, 2011 Rating
Joint Angle Answered by: Paul from
Hi Jacob,
The concern about Isometrics simply increasing strength at the point it's trained is a common one. And it doesn't make any sesne what so ever if looked at logically and with an understanding of anatomy and physiology, so no, it's not true ;-) Luckily it has no basis. Let me explain.
There is no single study produced that actually shows Range of Motion has ANY impact on strength or size development, and I doubt there ever will be. You see the way a muscle works is it contracts or it doesn't. That's it. It's on or off. It adjusts the amount of strength used through a phenomenon called the GIC (Gradual Increments of Contraction). This is a misleading name as it implies partial contraction of a muscle, which isn't the case.
The way a muscle work is that is composed of several bundles of muscle fibers which are connected to one nerve each. To lift a pencil 4 nerves are say activated and the WHOLE muscle contacts under the
impulse of those 4 bundles contracting and low and behold we can lift a pencil. To lift 100lbs nearly all 150 say nerves would be activated and all the attached muscle bundles would contract thus giving you more power. It has NOTHING to do with the posisiton of the arm - just the tension being applied to it.
A muscle grows and recruits fibers uniformly. It doesn't suddenly just develop strength at a particular degree or angle - it just isn't possible. It's like trying to make a standard elastic band more elastic in a very specific section, just not how it works. Anyways here's the more detailed article on it -
Intensity is the SOLE dictator of whether you get stornger or weaker, bigger or smaller. There are more intense positions, certainly, and I prefer strong range contractions. I hope this explains a little bit about this common misconception.