Username and Password Problem

by Dayn R.

Hi Paul,

Sorry to bother you, but I'm having problems with my e-book. The username and password have been rejected, and I was wondering if you could cancel this username and give me a new one please.


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Jun 28, 2011
Registrations - Important
by: Anonymous


You can only register using the username and password a set number of times - in this case 2. One registration for home, one for a laptop or work console. There should be no need to have more than 2 copies registered at one time. Once it's registered it doesn't need to be done again unless you move machines or re-install an OS

This is a necessary security feature that prevents illegal sharing of my work. If you want to use it more than 2 locations, say as you travel that is possible, just unregister a copy on one system (the unregister key is in the top left hand corner, the last icon, shaped like a U). This will free up one of the registrations and allow you to register on another machine. If you need to use it more than one location just unreg to free up the slot.

Let me know if that works,

All the best,


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