Wrist problem

by Filip

Hi Paul,

In the past I had some wrist problems from boxing. It is safe practicing exercises as single arm forearm curls and extension? I feel no pain when I practicing it but I want to know your opinion. Thanks.

P.S. muscle spasm is away.

Filip Kabát

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Dec 19, 2011
Rehabbing a Wrist Injury NEW
by: Paul from Isometric-Training.com

Hi Filip,

Glad to hear the spasms have ceased.

As regard the wrist injury, as you know Isometrics are the ideal exercise to help strengthen injured, muscle, tendons and ligaments.

If you're not feeling any pain and discomfort and can articulate the joint easily throughout the RoM then by all means you should be fine to do the forearm exercises. However, just to be on the safe side I'd consider performing them at about 60% tension (just below shaking point for the muscles) and for up to 30 seconds. This will increase blood flow and circulation to the wrist, nourishing the tendons and ligaments.

Finally I'd follow all the recommendations and techniques found in the wrist rehabbing guide included in the bonus book Health at Your Fingertips, that is part of Project Dragon.

All the best,


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