by Paul-Bradford Brown
(Schofield Barracks, HI, U.S.A)
I have Perfect Body, Maximetrics (forgive me if I mispelled that), and I was automatically enrolled into the inner circle. I had already obtained maximetrics from someone, but purchased it from you because in a video of yours, or on a web page, you stated that the inner circle was the replacement for Project Dragon. I don't see much in the inner circle, just a few links, and that's not too big of a deal to me, because what I am really after is information about you. I read the page about your routine and that is what I was seeking when I bought PB & Maximetrics. Unfortunately you've only shown part of your routine. I know I can't do what you're doing yet, but that's what I want. I'm after everything you do for training down to the warm ups, cool downs, aND why your do each thing. Am I missing something? I looked pretty hard and didn't see your full routine. Thanks so much for what you've already given me, but I want to be strong like you. Please help sir.
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